Classroom Messages

6th Grade Upcoming Events:
09/06....First Day of School
09/08....All School Open House 6:30 pm-8:00pm
09/30....6th Grade Team Building at Riverview Camp
10/14....LID (non student day)
10/19-10/21....Parent-Teacher Conferences (1/2 day on 10/19; non-student days on 10/20 and 10/21)
11/11....Veteran's Day (no school)
11/24-11/27....Thanksgiving Break
12/22-01/02....Christmas Break
01/16....Martin Luther King Day (no school)
02/20....President's Day (no school)
03/17....Snow make up day
04/01 - 04/09....Spring Break
05/29....Memorial Day (no school)
06/1 to 06/2 6th Grade Camp at Lutherhaven
06/05 - 06/08....Human Growth and Development
06/14....Last day of school (12:45 dismissal)

Friday, November 30, 2012

nTake your powerbox paragraph #1 and put it into a “normal” paragraph form.  Best Draft!
nThis will be due Monday.
nBefore turning it in, check for the following:
  • n
Best handwriting
  • n
  • Correct side of paper
  • n
  • Paper in new condition
  • n
  • Spell checked and read out loud

    Wednesday, November 28, 2012

    Today we corrected the powerboxs that were assigned yesterday, complete with all the power 3s, in class.  Students were able to see what they did well, and what still needs some adjusting.  I modeled it on a ppt as well so they could see exactly what they needed.

    Assigned for tomorrow is for students to finalize the powerboxes from today...done to their best well as their next powerbox paragraph.  They should be in powerbox format.

    Parents (and students), the rubber is really hitting the road now.  We are definitely seeing a break in those that understand what we are doing, and those that do not.  One thing that successful students seem to have in common is that they turn in assignments regularly and pay attention to instruction.  There is no magic happening, or smoke and mirror presentations...just consistency.  I have been getting quite a few "excuses" lately for some reason.  Unfortunately that does not help their success.

    Wednesday, November 7, 2012

    Today we went over the next set of powerboxes for the power 1sand 2s.  We did some in class editing. 

    Due tomorrow are all 3 body powerboxes.  Just the p1s and p2s though.  The ones that we corrected today should be in finalized form for tomorrow though.

    Tuesday, November 6, 2012

    Today we went over the power 1 and power 2s that students worked on last night.  Assigned today was to fix up those and then get one more set of powerboxes done (power 1 and power 2s only).

    Monday, November 5, 2012

    Today we took on day 1 of week 10 of DOL.  Students got their test #9 back as well.
    Assigned today, and due tomorrow was the following:
    Complete 1 of your powerboxes in the discussed format.  Make sure you do the following:
    1. Use an appropriate transition word 
    2. 2.State the point of the paragraph.  DO NOT state the position again.  DO NOT!

    Thursday, November 1, 2012

    Today we went over the intial power 1 sentences and saw the good and the bad.  Assigned for tomorrow is:
    Your Power 1s in finalized format.  NO EXCUSES!
    Transition word, position with for/against, the point of the paragraph, and a complete sentence. 
    Also, DOL test #9.