Classroom Messages

6th Grade Upcoming Events:
09/06....First Day of School
09/08....All School Open House 6:30 pm-8:00pm
09/30....6th Grade Team Building at Riverview Camp
10/14....LID (non student day)
10/19-10/21....Parent-Teacher Conferences (1/2 day on 10/19; non-student days on 10/20 and 10/21)
11/11....Veteran's Day (no school)
11/24-11/27....Thanksgiving Break
12/22-01/02....Christmas Break
01/16....Martin Luther King Day (no school)
02/20....President's Day (no school)
03/17....Snow make up day
04/01 - 04/09....Spring Break
05/29....Memorial Day (no school)
06/1 to 06/2 6th Grade Camp at Lutherhaven
06/05 - 06/08....Human Growth and Development
06/14....Last day of school (12:45 dismissal)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct 28

Not much happening this week in terms of homework because of ITBS testing on Wednesday and Thursday. Spelling was handed out on Tuesday and will be collected Thursday. We will also have the test Thursday as well.

All money and permission slips were due for the field trip this Friday. I think we are all set for that. Make sure students dress warm, or for the conditions, this Friday.

We only had 2 days of writing this week due to testing and the field trip. We collected the first body paragraph and looked at most of them as a group. This was really the first "major" assignment that was given and assessed. Students got a solid look at what they were doing right, and what they needed to work on.