Classroom Messages

6th Grade Upcoming Events:
09/06....First Day of School
09/08....All School Open House 6:30 pm-8:00pm
09/30....6th Grade Team Building at Riverview Camp
10/14....LID (non student day)
10/19-10/21....Parent-Teacher Conferences (1/2 day on 10/19; non-student days on 10/20 and 10/21)
11/11....Veteran's Day (no school)
11/24-11/27....Thanksgiving Break
12/22-01/02....Christmas Break
01/16....Martin Luther King Day (no school)
02/20....President's Day (no school)
03/17....Snow make up day
04/01 - 04/09....Spring Break
05/29....Memorial Day (no school)
06/1 to 06/2 6th Grade Camp at Lutherhaven
06/05 - 06/08....Human Growth and Development
06/14....Last day of school (12:45 dismissal)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today students got their DOL test #8 back and we checked off their writing assignment that was actually due on Monday.

We went through what their power 1s should look like.  They need to have the following:
1. Power 2 transition word
2. For or Against
3. Point of the paragraph


One reason I am for having cell phones at school is in case you have to call home.

Students needed to create 3 new sets of powerboxes and only write in their power 1s.  Easy...right?
Tomorrow we will not be at school.  Students will be taking the STA bus to Riverfront Park and watch an IMAX and then ice skate.